Monday, January 21, 2019

Flow, Spin, Smile!

Everyone needs a space in which they feel happy, free and inspired; the world of hoop dance delivers all of that and more.
My name is Stephanie Brown and I am the founder of Shoreline Flow Spinistry. I learned to waist hoop for fitness back in 2012, but I discovered the magic of hoop dance in June 2017 - on my 38th birthday! I saw a Facebook post for a free meetup with Hipnotic Hoopla, so I decided to give it a shot. I was hooked from that day on!
With a background in dance, cheer, and gymnastic, my first love has always been dance. Throughout my childhood and into my early 30's, I took classes in modern, jazz, contemporary, African, house, and hip-hop. Last year, I started up with classes again, this time with lyrical, jazz, and belly dance. I know I have never been the best at it, but I love learning choreography and putting it all together. I absolutely love the way I feel while I'm dancing, and that extra rush when performing. There is nothing better than putting on a good track and losing yourself in the music. Add in the magic of a little plastic circle and I now have a new favorite pastime, which also serves as my core cardio exercise, social activity, creative outlet, confidence booster, and movement medicine (it’s a fantastic stress/anxiety reliever!). Whatever is going on with me, whatever is mushed about in my head, gets worked out inside the hoop.
The amount of joy that flows through me during - and even after - a flow session is indescribable! It would be selfish of me not to share and only right to pass it on to others. I want to help others reconnect with themselves and find a joy within that can only come from the freedom of creative expression and meditative movement. Hoop dance doesn't care about your age, size, color, creed or any other "box" that needs checking. There's room for everyone inside the circle.

One of the best things about this journey is the wonderful community of hoopers around the country and around the globe I have met thus far. They have encouraged me to accept who and where I am, have shown me how to dance with my demons and to be happy with what I see. Where I used to struggle with meeting and connecting with new people, the flowmies (friends who flow) with whom I have bonded are some of the most welcoming, supportive, and accepting people I have ever met.

Outside of hooping, I enjoy traveling, singing, making jewelry, reading, writing, concerts & spending time with family. I especially love traveling to and exploring new places with my travel hoops, or catching a sunset spin along the beach.
I completed the Hoop Love Teacher Certification Course in December 2018 and look forward to sharing the art of hoop dance with the shoreline community in, and around, Guilford, CT.
Come join me and start your hoop dance journey today!
Find your flow, then go with it and spin yourself happy.
Sunset Cove - Georgetown, Grand Cayman 
Joshua Cove, Trolley Road Beach - Guilford, CT